Saturday, April 7, 2012

Project 4: SNS

Ironically, my group and I are the same group from project 3- me, Hannah, Rachel, and Kayla. We worked really well together on the website redesign, so we're pretty excited to get the gears running on project 4. For the topic, we unanimously decided on the topic of bullying.

I think bullying is such a strong topic because it's something that has always had an ominous presence in schools and social situations alike. It's always been ignored, just because everyone assumes that it cannot be stopped nor prevented... that it's just "kids being kids" and that as a society we cannot change how kids interact with their peers. My group and I believe differently!

I saw a lot of the "It Gets Better" campaign last year on Tumblr and Twitter, but it's sort of faded into the limelight now. The project itself was created to show "young LGBT people the levels of happiness, potential, and positivity their lives will reach- if they can just get through their teen years", that they are not alone and that life WILL get better. I absolutely love this message because it applies to all young adults who are suffering or feel lost about who they are as a person. The It Gets Better Project, for me, is a stepping stone in starting our project, and is a very helpful aid.

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