Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Project 3: Group Work

Working and interacting with people is one of my favorite things. It's something that I thrive on... if I don't at least see people everyday, let alone converse with them, I feel lost. Don't get me wrong, I love my alone time, but I just love being around people and studying firsthand how people's strengths and weaknesses balance out with, and bounce off of, others'. Working with my group on redesigning Mama Cheesy's crappy site was such a good way to see the way my peers express themselves both creatively and in writing, since this project was pretty creative. The week before the extended due date, on that beautiful 75-degree Wednesday afternoon, we met on the quad to divvy out jobs. It's funny, because since we are all friends, we do tend to wander off in conversation and start socializing, but I've noticed that no matter what, we always get back on task. In 10 minutes we managed to assign everybody at least 3 different jobs, discuss the layout of the final slides, color schemes, descriptions, etc.

Overall, I'm very impressed with how everything is going! 
I wish I posted in this blog during the actual project to get more accurate commentary, but looking back, I felt that this project was a very successful one.

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