Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ethos in Blogging

I am no music critic. I don't have a degree in music education and history, nor do I produce for major record labels. But I am an opinion. With a clubhouse blog, you can be the anonymous, self-proclaimed fan and critic of your favorite- anything. As the writer you have the power to express your thoughts explicitly, gaining readers who are interested in what you have to say.

Although I am not a professional indie music critic, I believe my blog will attract readers because it is a raw outlook on some amazing and very underrated bands. I am always amazed at the fact that there is so much music in the world and I have only listened to such a small percentage of it. I love discovering artists that are new to the industry, or maybe not even discovered yet at all.

An audience should deem me a credible source of information because all of the artists I talk about on The Independent Sound are artists that I have connected with while listening to their music. To me, quality music is when a song's lyrics somehow fit perfectly with the score like a 500-piece puzzle set... when the music sounds like the idea itself. (You know a good song when you cannot imagine any other words fitting with any other note, or guitar strum, or drum beat.)

I think when someone reads another's personal blog about a passion, they want a true opinion; an opinion that is being said because it wants to be said and not because of money or fame. I am hoping that from my blog, The Independent Sound, readers will get a true look at another fan of indie music and keep returning because they enjoy hearing another fan's take on a certain band, lyric, or song meaning.

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